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Math and Geometry Tools


TPSE Math's work is structured around four priorities: Lower-division Pathways, Upper-division Pathways, Graduate Education and Teaching Strategies & Practices. These priorities were the founding tenets of TPSE, and continue to guide TPSE's projects and initiatives. In addition, a dedicated Math Advisory Group oversees the development and implementation of each priority. 


Developing multiple math pathways in 2- and 4-year institutions to better align coursework with students’ programs of study and increase completion rates.

Student paying attention

Enhancing upper-division curricula in response to evolving career opportunities, developments in mathematical research, and demand from other departments for mathematics courses.

College Stident

​Broadening graduate programs to better prepare students for a wide variety of careers in academia, business, industry and government.


Studying innovative teaching practices, including the use of technologies, and advocating for adoption of those that show promise of improving learning outcomes.

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Support for TPSE Math is provided by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.

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