Teaching Strategies & Practices Math Advisory Group is comprised of mathematics faculty from community colleges, private and public universities, and research institutions. Together, we work to improve the teaching and learning of post-secondary mathematics by increasing the adoption of innovative, equitable, research-based pedagogies in both remote and in-person instruction, including the appropriate use of technologies.
Explore helpful resources on active learning compiled by the Teaching Strategies & Practices Math Advisory Group.
TSP PANEL @ JMM 2024: "Grading for Active Learning & Department Change."
Thursday, January 4, 1pm-2:30pm, Room 304, Moscone Ctr.
Experts from a variety of institutions share their perspectives on Alternative Assessment & Grading.
TS&P has commissioned a set of short videos to explain various technology tools that can be used to engage students in the learning of mathematics. These videos give a brief description of the tool, the pedagogical purpose, and an explanation of how the tool can support the learning goals of mathematics courses and enhance the student’s experience. Additional videos will be added.
Good teaching requires the engagement of all students. Thus, good teaching requires a commitment to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. We believe that all students can learn mathematics and should be welcomed in our classes. We advocate for the use of teaching strategies and practices in mathematics courses that are effective, equitable, and engaging across a diverse group of students. We acknowledge that the ways in which we teach mathematics have too often excluded marginalized and minoritized populations and women. We recognize, therefore, that to create inclusive classrooms we must continue evolving the ways in which we teach. To do so, we must deepen our knowledge and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Â Many specific facets of teaching can impact inclusion and equity. Among them are: classroom participation methods, classroom pedagogy, teaching materials, applied examples, role models, accessibility of prerequisites, approaches to the assessment of student learning, course expectations and degree of flexibility, ways for students to get help (such as office hours and tutoring), and advising practices. TPSE is committed to supporting faculty in developing equitable, inclusive, and effective teaching practices and strategies through workshops co-sponsored in partnership with other professional mathematics organizations and other resources. We welcome and encourage all members of the mathematics community to engage in this important work.