TPSE Math's Leadership Institute is a year-long program that helps prepare a diverse group of future leaders within the mathematical sciences communities. Each Leadership Fellow attends a training workshop, participates in virtual meetings, works on a self-selected project and is guided by a Leadership Fellow Mentor.
Training: Each Fellow develops leadership skills through a two-day summer workshop, bi-monthly group virtual meetings to discuss leadership principles, and bi-monthly meetings with a mentor who is an experienced leader.
Project: Each Fellow works on a self-selected leadership project during the year they are participating in the Leadership Institute.
Mentorship: Each Fellow is matched with an experienced leader who serves as a mentor to that Fellow. The mentor provides guidance on completing the leadership project, developing leadership skills, and progressing in future leadership activities.
Summer Workshop: A two-day summer leadership training workshop during which participants will learn from experienced leaders through presentations, panels, and group discussions on topics that will expand their vision of what leadership means, teach them essential leadership skills, and increase their motivation to make a difference as a leader.
Virtual Group Meetings: Five bi-monthly virtual group meetings in which all the Fellows, a guest speaker, and the director will discuss an aspect of leadership. These virtual group meetings will occur in September, November, January, March, and May.
Mentorship Meetings: Five bi-monthly virtual meetings between the Fellow and their Mentor. The Mentors are encouraged to share their own leadership experiences and offer guidance to the Fellow on their future as a leader and on their leadership project. These virtual one-on-one meetings will occur In August, October, December, February, and April.
JMM: TPSE sessions at the annual Joint Mathematics Meetings

Each year, Leadership Fellows propose and execute a project with the guidance of their Mentor. Learn more about current and past Fellows below.

Sarah Bryant
American Mathematical Association
Project Description:
Creating a promotional plan that ensures broadened participation in AMS research, travel, support and professional development programs, especially among mathematicians and students at MSIs.
Mentor: Aris Winger

Johanna Franklin
Hofstra University
Project Description:
Creating a Research Network for computability theorists with marginalized gender identities & organizing a Research Collaboration Conference at a math research center.
Mentor: Karen Smith

Kevin Palencia
Northern Illinois University
Project Description:
Implementing culturally responsive teaching practices such as active learning and contextualized mathematical problems to teach calculus courses at NIU.
Mentor: Juan Gutierrez

Elizabeth Donovan
Murray State University
Project Description:
Creating guidelines and info packets outlining how to make meetings, conferences, workshops etc. in the math/stat communities more inclusive.
Mentor: Kathryn Leonard

Debbie Narang
University of Alaska
Project Description:
Creating graduate math courses for secondary math teachers with a lens of equity and inclusion. This would be accomplished as a set of online modules focused on DEI and inserted into the graduate courses.
Mentor: Spencer Bagley

Terrance Pendleton
Drake University
Project Description:
Creating an Industrial Math Research Hub that allows students to work on practical applications of their liberal arts education in a “real world” setting. Emphasis will be placed on attracting a diverse class of students with limited experience/exposure to mathematics.
Mentor: Michael Young